06/30/2016 Update

Sell all remaining position and the account is 100% on cash. It is up 18.2% year to date vs. SPY up 2.75%.

Real-time Portfolio

symbolsharesbuy datebuy pricecurrent datecurrent pricechg%costvaluedividendgain/lossg/l%hold days
Benchmark Index:
Closed Trades:
symbolsharesbuy datebuy pricesell datesell pricecostproceeddividendgain/lossg/l%hold days

06/12/2016 Update

My account is 76% on cash now. It is up 19.72% for the year. The market is rolling over. Waiting for better chance to get back in again. 

06/10/2016 Update

Sell 637 shares of ORBC at 8.88.
Sell 280 shares of MXL at 20.13.
Sell 1400 shares of PLPM at 4.05.

05/13/2016 Update

Sell 1171 shares of OCLR at 5.01.
Sell 300 shares of RDCM at 12.95.

04/30/2016 Update

For the month of April, my account is up 1.04% vs. up 0.39% of SPY.

04/29/2016 Update

Mark looks shaky. Start to lighten up positions.

Sell 453 shares of NPTN at 11.99.

03/31/2016 Update

For the month of March, my account is up 11.49% vs. up 6.72% of SPY.

Received following dividends this month:
SPY: 1.05 per share

03/21/2016 Update

Buy 122 shares of EBIX (Ebix, Inc.) at $41. It has forward P/E of 15.4 and next 5-year annual earning growth of 10% and is trading near the new high.

Buy 1400 shares of PLPM (Planet Payment, Inc.) at $3.5.  It has forward P/E of 18.9 and next 5-year annual earning growth of 25% and is trading near the new high.

Sell 145 shares of YHOO (Yahoo! Inc.) at $35.98. Take 4.6% profit. Free up fund for more attractive issues. 

03/17/2016 Update

Sell 256 shares of NUAN (Nuance Communications, Inc.) at $19.58 and come up almost even. 

Buy 280 shares of MXL (MaxLinear, Inc) at 17.99. It has forward P/E of 10.85 and next 5-year annual earning growth of 15% and is trading near the new high.

03/14/2016 Update

Sell 178 shares of CREE (Cree, Inc.) at $29.31 and take 4.57% gain. Free up fund for new purchases.

Buy 453 shares of NPTN (NeoPhotonics Corporation) at 11.7. It has forward P/E of 13.86 and next 5-year annual earning growth of 15% and is trading near the new high.

03/10/2016 Update

Buy 394 shares of COT (Cott Corp) at 12.7. It is near new all time high with good volume. Forward P/E is 24 and EPS annual growth next 5 year is 43.4%.  

02/29/2016 Update

For the month of February, my account is up 7.07% vs. SPY is down 0.08%.

02/12/2016 Update

Buy 1171 shares of OCLR (Oclaro, Inc.) at 4.27. The street expects OCLR to earn $0.24/share for the year ends in Mar. 2017 with 211 million revenue. The earning growth for next 5 year is ~20%.

1/31/2016 Update

For the month of January, my account is down 2.01% vs. down 4.98% of SPY.

No dividend was paid this month.

1/28/2016 Update

Buy 1250 shares of NG (NovaGold Resources Inc.) at 4.

1/4/2015 Update

Buy 256 shares of NUAN (Nuance Communications, Inc.) at 19.5. Invest ~10% of capital.